
4 good reasons to ventilate your home

High-performance homes are built with hermetically sealed insulation that eliminates heat loss and obstructs air circulation. Here are four good reasons to ventilate your house, apartment or condo.

To oxygenate your living space

The inhabitants of a house consume its oxygen and release CO2. Without ventilation, oxygen levels drop, which can be dangerous.

Eliminate odors and humidity

Moisture, especially in the kitchen and bathroom, can damage the home, create mold and mildew, and lead to respiratory and hygiene problems.

To remove pollution

There are many sources of pollution in the home, from plants, household products, glues, furnishing materials and solvents, cigarette smoke and so on. In a poorly ventilated home, this pollution is harmful and can cause headaches, nausea and allergies.

To help prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria

Garbage cans, fabrics and pets are breeding grounds for bacteria, which can have a long-term impact on health. An efficient ventilation system must also be able to evacuate viruses from outside.


Source: Extraits de EcoHabitation

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